Job Growth Course by Sparsh Bagga


Hello to everyone, whether you know me or not. I'm excited to introduce myself as a Sales Coach, India's first Internet Coach, and a Business Growth Consultant. Recently, I came across a controversial video on YouTube called "The Kerala Story" by Dhruv Rathee. Curious, I decided to explore his content further, and now I can confidently say that Dhruv Rathee is a big manipulator. However, he also has some positive qualities as a scriptwriter, explainer, and YouTuber. Inspired by this, I've created a special course based on his videos. Let me tell you why you should consider joining this transformative course.

Background: Though I've only been active on YouTube for 10 months, I bring with me 17 years of experience in the field. This experience led me to create a course that addresses a pressing need in India - the need for people to become more intelligent and discerning.

The Essence of the Course: The main focus of this course is to expose how clever people manipulate audiences. It's essential for Indians to become more informed, and this course aims to help achieve just that. By learning the tricks used by manipulators, you can become a smarter audience, and your understanding of various things will improve significantly.

Benefits for Salespeople: This course will also be beneficial for salespersons. The strategies taught will undoubtedly help them communicate better and build stronger connections with their clients.

A Promise of Honesty: In this course, I promise to be honest and straightforward. If I can't prove Dhruv Rathee's manipulation with solid evidence, I'll shut down my YouTube channel willingly. Moreover, I'll avoid engaging with such YouTubers in the future. However, just like I'm analyzing Dhruv Rathee's content carefully, I'll also apply the same scrutiny to others, including his supporters, to ensure transparency and truthfulness.

A Manipulation-Free Zone: Throughout the course, I strictly prohibit using manipulative language or tactics. We want to create a learning environment that encourages honesty, integrity, and open-mindedness.

Course Structure and Enrollment: The course will cover various aspects of manipulation and how it affects audiences. It will be an enlightening experience with a total word count of 800. We'll present compelling insights, real-life examples, and practical exercises to empower you. To join this eye-opening journey, click on the link below.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I urge you to take this opportunity to increase your intelligence and protect yourself from manipulative tactics. Together, let's create a future where knowledge and honesty thrive. Enroll in our empowering course today and be a part of this movement towards a more informed and empowered India.


Before you decide to enroll in our course, we want to provide you with a clear disclaimer to ensure transparency and avoid any misunderstandings.

  1. Educational Purpose: This course is designed solely for educational purposes and to promote knowledge and awareness regarding manipulation, audience influence, and related subjects. The information presented in this course is not intended to encourage any harmful actions or unethical behaviors.
  2. No Guarantee of Specific Outcomes: While we aim to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes or results for individuals or businesses. The effectiveness of the strategies and techniques shared in the course may vary based on individual circumstances and efforts.
  3. Personal Responsibility: Participants in this course are responsible for their actions and decisions. We do not take responsibility for any actions taken by individuals outside the scope of the course or based solely on the course content.
  4. Respectful Dialogue: Throughout the course, we encourage open and respectful dialogue. Disagreements are natural, but we expect all participants to engage in constructive discussions and refrain from personal attacks or disrespectful behavior towards each other.
  5. External Links and References: The course may include references to external sources, websites, or third-party materials. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the content, accuracy, or policies of these external sources.
  6. Intellectual Property: All course materials, including videos, presentations, and documents, are protected by intellectual property laws. Participants are strictly prohibited from sharing, distributing, or reproducing any course materials without prior written consent.
  7. Course Changes: We reserve the right to make changes, updates, or modifications to the course content, curriculum, or policies as necessary. Participants will be informed of any significant changes, if applicable.
  8. Personal Accountability: Participants are advised to verify and cross-reference the information provided in the course with credible sources before making any decisions or forming opinions.
  9. Non-Endorsement: The mention of any individuals, organizations, or products in the course is not an endorsement or promotion unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  10. Legal Advice: This course does not offer legal, financial, or professional advice. Participants should seek the counsel of qualified professionals for specific guidance related to their individual situations.

By enrolling in this course, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer. You agree to adhere to the guidelines and respect the educational nature of the course. Our intention is to create an enriching learning experience while maintaining ethical standards and promoting informed decision-making.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please reach out to us before proceeding with the course.